

May 2024

The Hickory County R-I School (Skyline) Board of Education met on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting.  The board voted to open bids for a 3 year lease on the land owned by Hickory County R-I across 65 highway.  The board heard an update on SB 727 and the budget for the 24-25 school year.  Commendations were issued to the following individuals/groups:  Kelli Cheek, Kyle Brown, Tony Dampier, Mike Howard, Amanda Hash, Charles Webster.  The board took the following action in closed session:  The board accepted resignations from Dena Bybee, Terri Keller and Josh Foster.   The board voted to approve all extra duty positions and stipends for the 24-25 school year.   The next meeting was set for Wednesday, June 19th  at 7:00 pm in the high school library.